About the Rebbeh
About the Rebbeh
The Tosher Rebbeh of Monsey shlita
HaRav HaGaon R’ Avraham Katz
In 1970, HaRav Katz was selected by the Grand Rebbeh of Tosh to be his son-in-law. In 1999, the Rebbe appointed Rav Katz to take charge of the Tosh Kehila of Monsey. The Rebbeh founded Mishkanos Lavir Yakov in Monsey, a Yeshiva and Kollel for talented Torah scholars, which has produced many prominent teachers, dayanim, and leaders in the community under the Rebbeh’s tutelage. Well known for his wisdom, insights, encyclopedic Torah knowledge, and mastery of Jewish mysticism, such as the Zohar, his council is sought by followers and admirers worldwide. His unique blend of Breslov spirituality and traditional Talmudic thought, inspires Jews from all walks of life. For many years, The Rebbeh has been giving shiurim in English on Torah thought and Breslov chasidus in Monsey and beyond. He is sought after for his brachos, wisdom, eitzos, and has a deep love and respect for every Yid. Many have witnessed yeshuos and hatzlacha from the brachos and eitzos of the Rebbeh.
The Rebbeh has successfully established a prominent Kollel, Mishkanos Lavir Yaakov, in the Monsey area. The Kollel has produced numerous elite Torah scholars that have contributed greatly to the Klal. As Rosh Kollel, the Rebbeh maintains a close relationship with every student and personally guides each one to develop as Dayanim, Rabbanim, and Mechanchim to serve the needs of our Torah community. It is a wonderful opportunity to have the z’chus of partnering with the Rebbeh to strengthen Yiddishkeit for the Tzibur by supporting his Kollel.
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