About the Shiur

Intertwining Breslov Hashkafa into mesmerizing Shiurim, motivating each person to reach new heights in Ruchniyus

The Rebbeh’s shiur provides a warm atmosphere, with friendly comradery; an enriching spiritual oasis from the busy and hectic world. The Shiur is based on the famous Breslov work, Sipurey Ma’asiyos, a well-known Segula for being blessed with children, with the Rebbeh expounding on it to include marriage for the singles who attend, and is presented in a practical and relatable manner. The Rebbeh, drawing on his vast wisdom and experience, elucidates in great depth the Sipurey Ma’asiyos, including many of his own stories of Chizuk and Emunah. Participants of the shiur also benefit by developing a personal, ongoing relationship with the Rebbeh. His sage advice, clear guidance, and meaningful Brachos has resulted in many Yeshuos and refreshing peace of mind. Hot refreshments are served to provide nourishment for both body and soul. If you are seeking spiritual growth and Menuchas HaNefesh in our challenging world, please come and join us!

The Shiur takes place on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the main Beis Midrash, located at 9 Wiener Dr Monsey NY 10952 (left side of building down the steps). We look forward to seeing you!


hot food!



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